Podcast - Nora speaks with Mike Creavey about the Wounds of Christ as Dipicted on the Shroud of Turin
Roles Museums Play in the Holy Shroud - NMFH 2023
Podcast With Nora Creech, Genieve Keeney, and Guy Powell on the New Exhibit at the National Museum of Funeral History "The Most Famous Burial of All Time"
Pints with Acquinas New Evidence for the Shroud of Turin
April 2023
World Youth Day Conference
Tuesday August 1st, 2023
(10 AM - 12:30 PM)
Podcast - Nora speaks about the Old Testament and Prophecy Fulfilled
Podcast - Nora speaks about the New Testament and the Resurrection
Podcast of the National Museum of Funeral History with Rudy Dichtl and Barrie Schwortz from the STURP Team
The Gracious Guest Podcast (Mike Creavey) April 6, 2024. Fr. Dalton speaks about the Shroud as a mirror of the Gospel.
VinLife Podcast 2022
Podcast - Barrie Schwortz speaks about the Holy Shroud with Tony Clark about the STURP Studies
Podcast - Nora speaks about the Holy Shroud with Dr. David Capes at Lanier Theological Library
Father Martins interviews one of the world's leading experts on the Shroud of Turin Dr. John Jackson.
'From The Void' Podcast Our guest, Nora Creech, a member of Othonia, shares her expertise on the shroud's history, the scientific studies it has undergone, and its significance in Christianity.
'From The Void' Podcast Our guest, Nora Creech, a member of Othonia, shares her expertise on the shroud's history, the scientific studies it has undergone, and its significance in Christianity.
Nora is an experienced lecturer on the history, science, and pastoral implications of the Shroud, she is passionate about sharing the facts related to the mysterious image and connecting it to the Gospel message.
Fr. Mike Schmitz is a dynamic Catholic priest, speaker, and popular host across multiple platforms, and has been a guest on Relevant Radio. Fr. Mike gave the keynote address and spoke about The Shroud of Turin for more than 10 minutes. As the host of the Bible in a Year podcast, Fr. Mike has helped Catholics around the world journey through the entire Bible in 365 daily episodes.
Dr. Jeremiah Johnston joins us as examine the Shroud of Turin. A former shroud skeptic, Jeremiah will walk us through some of the major Shroud evidence. Is the Shroud a medieval forgery, or is there evidence it is a burial cloth of a crucified man from the first century in Israel? Jeremiah will answer these questions and many more on this special extended edition of Digging for Truth.